Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

American English

American English adalah bahasa inggris yang digunakan di negara Amerika, kemudian dibina dan dikembangkan di Amerika.

Communication skills in American English. Self-study.Communication skills in American English. Self-study.Communication skills in American English. Self-study.Communication skills in American English. Self-study. On the Audio Cassette, short recorded dialogues that correlate to the Student's Book expose students to a range of American accents.

Communication skills in American English. Self-study.Communication skills in American English. Self-study.Communication skills in American English. Self-study.C

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Networks

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks, the technology used to place phone calls through the Internet, suffer from the same security holes as standard IP networks. This book reviews the many possible VoIP attacks, and discusses the best defenses against them.Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks have freed users from the tyranny of big telecom, allowing people to make phone calls over the Internet at very low or no cost. But while VoIP is easy and cheap, it's notoriously lacking in security. With minimal effort, hackers can eavesdrop on conversations, disrupt phone calls, change caller IDs, insert unwanted audio into existing phone calls, and access sensitive information.pHacking VoIP takes a dual approach to VoIP security, explaining its many security holes to hackers and administrators.

If you're serious about security, and you either use or administer VoIP, you should know where VoIP's biggest weaknesses lie and how to shore up your security. And if your intellectual curiosity is leading you to explore the boundaries of VoIP, Hacking VoIP is your map and guidebook.pHacking VoIP will introduce you to every aspect of VoIP security, both in home and enterprise implementations. You'll learn about popular security assessment tools, the inherent vulnerabilities of common hardware and software packages, and how to: Identify and defend against VoIP security attacks such as eavesdropping, audio injection, caller ID spoofing, and VoIP phishing Audit VoIP network security Assess the security of enterprise-level VoIP networks such as Cisco, Avaya, and Asterisk, and home VoIP solutions like Yahoo! and Vonage Use common VoIP protocols like H.323, SIP, and RTP as well as unique protocols like IAX Identify the many vulnerabilities in any VoIP networkpWhether you're setting up and defending your VoIP network against attacks or just having sick fun testing the limits of VoIP networks, Hacking VoIP is your go-to source for everyaspect of VoIP security and

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks, the technology used to place phone calls through the Internet, suffer from the same security holes as standard IP

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Absolute Contractions

Absolute Contractions
adalah bentuk/susunan mutlak (konstraksi absolut) juga disebut Verbal Constructions.
Ketetapan arti absolute contraction:
1. waktu: day finally breaking, we resumed our long automobile trip across the country.
Kesempatan hari terakhir kami melanjutkan perjalanan berkeliling negara dengan mobil.
2. Sebab: with his wife sick in the hospital, he is taking cake of the children alone.
Dengan istrinya sakit dirumah sakit, ia merawat anaknya sendiri.
3. Keadaan: a riot once began, our small police force will be unable to handle it.
Pertama mulai kerusuhan, kekuatan polisi kecil kami tidak akan dapat mencegahnya.